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Wednesday 2 December 2015 - 2.00PM
Wednesday 18 November 2015 - 3.00PM
Can the world be represented? Does imagination distance us from reality? Does society need artists? These are a few of the questions explored with children during art and philosophy snacktimes. For the ninth consecutive year, these meetings are being offered by the Synagogue de Delme contemporary art centre at participating media libraries. With the help of simple philosophical notions and...

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From Wednesday 4 November to Sunday 22 November 2015
A selection of works by Celia-Hannes will be presented at the Gue(ho)st House, echoing their residency at My Monkey.  Celia-Hannes has just started a new research project on reduce personal agricultural tools in an autarchy perspective. Their first subject is the rice cultivation and their first context will be the wild region Camargue in southern France. At the same time they are...

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