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Facilitating access to the range of contemporary forms

The programme of exhibitions and residencies provides a lot of material for the development of perception and critical thinking: our Visitors’ Department works in this same direction and pursues these same objectives. It is all about facilitating access to the range of contemporary forms in the visual arts, for a broad audience of specialists and nonspecialists, children and adults, individuals and groups.  

This policy takes variety of forms: guided tours of the exhibitions at the synagogue and meetings with artists at the Lindre-Basse residency-studio and at the art centre, as well as many activities tailored to specific artists and visitors.


A regional resource

The CAC - la synagogue de Delme is an important resource for many regional partners (art schools, universities, teachers and other educators), but it is also a resource for local partners (value-creation in the context of tourism, or cultural planning and development for the area).


A wide variety of visitors

We receive a wide variety of visitors: they may be residents of Saulnois, but they also come from the surrounding area and from Delme’s neighbouring towns (Metz, Nancy, Strasbourg), or from across the borders (Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium). All visitors receive the same high standard of hospitality and attention.



Unfortunately the synagogue’s current layout prevents us from accommodating visitors with reduced mobility. 

However, the Gue(ho)st House - the welcome centre inaugurated in 2012 - is fully accessible, and from this point of view it makes up for the flaw in the old synagogue.