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Artists' space

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Every visitor is welcomed to the synagogue by the public relations manager and receives a help pack with exhibition documentation. Similarly at the Gue(Ho)st House, visitors are welcomed and given a chance to gather documentation, have a coffee, exchange views…

Guided tours

>  Every Sunday at 4pm
>  Group visits available throughout the week by appointment. Reservations by e-mail or telephone.

Combined visits: exhibition / Gue(ho)st House

Since 2013, it has been possible to combine a synagogue visit with a visit and introduction to the public commission by artists Berdaguer and Péjus: a presentation on the artists, their influences, the techniques used to create the work, the history of the project. 

Documentation centre

In the Gue(Ho)st House, visitors can take their exploration of the artists and the exhibition further.
Catalogues, magazines, themed books connected with the exhibition, videos, discs… are made available in a dedicated centre that enables visitors to prolong their visit to the site.


The welcome centre in the Gue(Ho)st House also has a bookshop, offering all of the publications the art centre has produced in the past twenty years. 
You can also take a coffee or tea break.

Meetings with artists and curators

One Sunday during each exhibition, a visit guided by the artists and/or the curators is offered at 4pm.
This special meeting is a chance to have a spontaneous discussion with the artists, and it concludes over a friendly snack.

Projects and events hosted at the Gue(ho)st House

European Days of Jewish Culture, aperitif-readings, concerts, screenings, live performances, the circus, unusual walks…
Numerous events are organised in the context of the art centre’s partnerships. Partners offer anything from a simple welcome to elaborate support for the construction and creation of a project. These partnerships offer a chance for different visitors to intermingle: those interested in live performance, heritage, Jewish culture… rural or urban visitors, families…