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Wednesday 7 October 2015 - 3.00PM
For this art and philosophy snacktime, the subject explored will be the dialogue between real and virtual worlds. You can now register at the media library! Can the world be represented? Does imagination distance us from reality? Does society need artists? These are a few of the questions explored with children during art and philosophy snacktimes. For the ninth consecutive year, these...

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Sunday 4 October 2015 - 3.00PM
In the context of these days whose theme is “the bridge between cultures”, the art centre is pleased to welcome Metz artist Jean-Christophe Roelens and Ensemble K, for a conference-performance entitled Synopsie Op 2, the occasion of a reinterpretation of Olivier Messiaen’s work Quartet for the End of Time.  Synopsie Op 2 A conference, performance and meeting...

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From Saturday 19 September to Sunday 20 September 2015
In the context of the 2015 theme, “21st-century heritage”, the art centre is offering visits to the exhibition and the Gue(ho)st House: - Saturday 19 September at 4pm. - Sunday 20 September at 4pm with Marie Cozette, director of the art centre.

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