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Saturday 3 June 2023 - 7.00PM

On the occasion of the Fire of Saint-Jean in Delme, the art center offers you:

90° Celsius

Presentation of works from the collection plus vite, in the micro mobile exhibition space, to celebrate fire, wood, matches... with works by Fayçal Baghriche, Pascal Brateau, Corentin Leber, Anne-Émilie Philippe and a selection from FIREBOOX.

Dessine-moi un arbre.

Participatory project by artist Sylvie Antoine who invites participants to draw a tree as they imagine it. It may be a dream tree, a lived tree, a memory tree… They then plant their drawing in the emerging forest.

Games workshop : Dixit, memory…

The games of the art center come out of the Gue(ho)st House to meet you on the occasion of the fire of Saint-Jean.


This program is produced as part of the 30th anniversary of the CAC - la synagogue de Delme, in partnership with the association plus vite and the Foyer Rural de Delme.