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Saturday 8 July 2023 - 4.30PM

Go and meet Delme with the artist Guillaume Barborini by following his creation Itinéraire de pièces détachées .

This Itinéraire de pièces détachées is a story told through Delme. The places encountered are above all mentioned as starting points, on which the visit is based to speak elsewhere, or otherwise. In several chapters, the course is a crossing of Delme which intends to establish links between here and elsewhere, to insert the municipality in the heart of a network which inhabits it and overflows it. Itinerary of spare parts is a guided tour of Delme taken in the contrasting movements of the world.

Link to itinerary.

Free visit, without registration. Meet at 4:20 p.m. in front of the synagogue.



Itinéraire de pièces détachées is an artistic project by Guillaume Barborini.
The texts are carried by the voice of Morgane Britscher. The website is created by Robin Dumont-Chaponet. The project is initiated and supported by the association plus vite.

The Delme itinerary was created as part of the 30th anniversary of the CAC - la synagogue of Delme.