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Saturday 19 October 2024 - 2.30PM

Following the tour of Raphaela Vogel's exhibition International Comparison, led by the art centre's public relations officer, Angèle Ferrere, a doctor in the aesthetics of photography and a lecturer in the history of contemporary art at the University of Lorraine in Nancy, will be giving a talk entitled ‘Monumentality in question in contemporary art’.

This talk will extend the visit to Raphaela Vogel's exhibition International Comparison by placing her work within a panorama of contemporary sculpture that questions the notion of monumentality. Somewhere between collective mythology and contested power, Raphaela Vogel's works also question the porous boundary between the public and the intimate, which is a feature of the practice of many women artists.

Saturday 19 October 2024 from 2.30pm to 4pm. 
Free, booking required: / 03 87 01 43 42


Angèle Ferrere has a doctorate in the aesthetics of photography and teaches contemporary art history at the University of Lorraine in Nancy. A specialist in the relationship between architecture and contemporary creation, she was also awarded the Louis Roederer Bursary (2021) for research into women photographers in the collections of the BnF. She published Du chantier dans l'art contemporain in 2016 and several articles, notably in the journals Marges and Transbordeur.