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La part abyssale

Erick Beltrán

From Saturday 2 June to Sunday 30 September 2012

Erick Beltrán's work often takes the form of printouts, newspapers, leaflets, publications and more recently sculptures - text and image structures that spread throughout the exhibition spaces... He is fascinated by how information circulates and is organised, as it conditions how we understand the world.More broadly, at the heart of his approach are language and our relationship with knowledge: his diagrams, plans and graphical systems are so many attempts to explain the world. Their diverse formulations produce labyrinthine visual effects.

Penetrating Erick Beltrán's work means venturing into a mental cartography that unfolds at the scale of a building, and you have to let yourself get lost in it. Like philosophical machines, his works crystallize ideas that proliferate like a forest of signs, where science and the supposed objectivity of demonstration are tinged with an element of irrationality.

For the Synagogue de Delme, Erick Beltrán is producing a new installation that fills the art centre's main architectural void, and plunges the viewer's eyes and body into an abyss of mingled texts and images. The structure designed by Beltrán takes on two different appearances depending on the point of view: from the ground floor, it is a pyramidical tree, growing and reaching up into the air; from upstairs, it is an abyss, a plunge into the innermost depths of the human psyche.

And that, indeed, is what it is really all about: the pyramidical tree condenses the artist's most recent investigations into notions of individual and collective consciousness, starting from the premise that the Self does not exist, that it is a purely ideological construct, a scale of values on which modern Western society has based a very complacent interpretation of the world.Eric Beltrán does not believe in a unity of the Self locked in a constant struggle against collectivity. This tension between group and individual gives rise to the illusion that human beings channel a collection of multiple, fragmentary voices. It is an image such as this that makes us what we are, and at the same time pushes us towards that â€oeunfathomable part”, that abstract, infinite black hole of consciousness, into which we will never be finished falling.

Erick Beltrán explores anomalies, strange and unexplainable facts of human behaviour, asking who is speaking in a Man when he sinks into madness or collective hysteria. What new consciousness is interfering with consciousness, when this seems to be obliterating itself to the benefit of humanity's darkest inclinations?

Beyond the project's metaphysical aspect, what Erick Beltrán is offering is an eminently visual installation. Both body and spirit are engaged in a structure that must be approached as a navigational tool. This tool enables us to reconsider the nature of the prevailing ideologies, and to propose new systems of values and relationships.


Marie Cozette



Born in 1974 in Mexico. 
Represented by Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona (Spain), Galeria Labor, Mexico (Mexico), and Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo (Brazil).


Selected solo exhibitions

Declaración de guerra contra el mundo, LABOR, Mexico, Mexico
The World Explained, Troppen Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Modelling Standard with Jorge Satorre, FormContent, London, United Kingdom

Calculum Series, Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, Spain
Efecto Rashomon/Bolivar, Matucana 100, Santiago de Chile, Chili
Tolv/Zeigarnik effect, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden

Universo en expansiòn, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, Brazil
Diagram Expansion, Tranzitdisplay, Praha, Czech Republic


Selected Group exhibitions

Mapas, Fundacion La Caixa, Spain
Taipei Biennal, Taïwan, China
Gestures in Time, Qalandia international, Palestine
On Apology, CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, U.S.A.
Atlas Critique, Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-eaux, France
Resisting the present, Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, France
Ocio Negro, Museo Tamayo, Mexico, Mexico

Biennale de Lyon, France
Itinerarios 2009/2010, Botin Foundation, Santander, Spain
Songs of the Swamp, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
Tiempo de sospecha, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico, Mexico
Never odd or even, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
Fronteras en Mutación, CCEBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Learning Machines, NABA, Milano, Italy
Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain
La fuerza de la palabra, Instituto Cultural Cabañas, Guadalajara, Mexico
Smooth Structures, Smart Project Place, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Modelos para armar, MUSAC, León, Spain
Double Blind / Arrêtez d’essayer de me comprendre, Villa Arson, Nice, France
Philagraphica, The Print Center, Philadelphia, United-States
Monument of Transformation, Galerie Miroslav Krajevic, Zagreb, Croatia

Labor, Labor. 7 | 11 | 2009, LABOR, Mexico, Mexico
Heaven, Seconde biennale d’Athens, Greece
Mal de Escritura, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain

Biennale de Lyon, France