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From Wednesday 13 January to Sunday 7 February 2016

This exhibition presents researches carried out by Emma Perrochon during her residence in Ergastule (Nancy) last summer. It provides her the occasion to be initiated to the technics of glass and to create two editions there: The Flowers XLIV (Les Fleurs XLIV) and Apes.

Emma Perrochon develops her sculptural work by deviating crafts techniques and objects. Her works can be seen both as decorative and concrete (trinkets, containers, pedestals) as well as belonging to the contemporary art specific field, considering their potential to reflect its codes. She thus questions with amusement the supposed boundaries between different fields of the human know-how (art, craft, design).

Encounter with audience: Sunday 17 January (after the exhibition's weekly visit at the synagogue at 4 PM).