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Thursday 25 July 2024 - 9.30AM

Photography workshop, led by Romain Vadala, Jeune ESTivant artist in residence at the Gue(ho)st House for this summer. 

Dive into the captivating world of photography and visual storytelling! Inspired by cinema and photo novels, this workshop invites you to create your own story in 5 to 10 images. Come and explore different cameras and techniques to see how they can transform your ideas into unique and surprising visual creations. 

Thursday 25 july 2024 from 9.30am to 12.00pm, for teenagers. 
Free, registration required on 03 87 01 43 42 or 



This event is organised as part of Été Culturel 2024 in partnership with Scènes et Territoires and with the support of the DRAC Grand Est.