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Performance Festival / Toutes les voix comptent #2

From Saturday 7 March to Wednesday 22 April 2009

With : Chloé Maillet & Louise Hervé / Cie Les Patries imaginaires / Helen’s Tits / Jean-Claude Risset & Nathalie Pierson / Patrick Bernier, Olive Martin, Sébastien Canevet & Sylvia Preuss-Laussinotte / Cie La Brèche / Jacques Roubaud & Carole Bisenius-Penin / students of Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Metz Métropole.
Curators: Marie Cozette, Christian Debize, Béatrice Josse

Toutes les voix comptent (All Voices Count) is a performance festival consisting of an extension of the respective programmes of the Frac Lorraine, the Synagogue de Delme contemporary art centre and the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Metz.

For a few weeks, the three organisations come together for events that bring voices into play: lectures, performances, films with live musical accompaniment, video screenings… If certain artists decide to speak in public, it is not so much to deconstruct language at any price, but rather to divert it from its common uses.

While the semblance of a very civilised language is retained, it is a matter of demolishing forms of traditional discourse. The voices of scientists, lawyers, professors, mediators, tourist guides and TV presenters could be used as so many tools to describe the world, without complacency or pretence.



​Saturday 7 March 2009 - 4pm - Médiathèque de Delme

Chloé Maillet and Louise Hervé
Un projet important (Ne plaisantez pas avec la qualité de vos souvenirs)

Film screening, intermission with spoken word and singing, film with live musical accompaniment.
With Louise Hervé and Chloé Maillet (I.I.I.I - International Institute for Important Items ), Dominique Gilliot and Gaétan Campos (Gâchette of the mastiff).

The I.I.I.I. presents Un projet important, a speculative film evoking the future of service-sector companies and sports clubs. The screening will be accompanied by an intermission that is musical and instructive. It will include (among other things) a bit of chivalry, an analysis of a Greek tragedy from the 5th century BC, a very specific episode of a science fiction series, and a pop hit performed live in the background.

Saturday 28 March 2009 - 5pm - Médiathèque de Delme

Patrick Bernier and Olive Martin with Sébastien Canevet and Sylvia Preuss-Laussinotte 
X. c/ Préfet de …, Plaidoirie pour une jurisprudence 
Performance followed by a discussion
“Whereas the prefecture sees an outsider in X., we primarily see an author”, such is the displacement introduced by lawyers Sylvia Preuss-Laussinotte and Sébastien Canevet, who respectively specialise in statutory immigration law and intellectual property law. The defence speech that they perform in robes before the public encourages the presiding judge of an administrative court to quash the prefectural decision to deport their client, in consideration of the fact that he is the co-author, depository and exclusive interpreter of an immaterial work in progress.