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PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL - Toutes les voix comptent #1

From Thursday 3 April to Saturday 5 April 2008

Performance Festival in partnership with the Frac Lorraine and the Metz school of art. 

With: Fanny Adler & Vincent Madame, Jean-Marc Chapoulie, Dector & Dupuy, Guillaume Désanges, Dora García, Benoît Maire, Loreto Martinez Troncoso, Dominique Petitgand.
Curators: Marie Cozette, Christian Debize, Béatrice Josse, Hélène Guenin.

Toutes les voix comptent (All Voices Count) brings together artists who place words at the centre of their practice. Whether it’s a guided tour of an urban space, a conference, a screening with commentary, or a song, words become the work’s raw material, outside of any consideration for the usual formats that exhibitions imply.

Voices - their flow, their ability to produce or accompany images, to create unusual situations - lie at the heart of the project jointly led by the Synagogue de Delme, the Frac Lorraine and the ESAM - Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Metz Métropole.

In the course of the words and narratives, the audience is invited to rediscover the town from a new angle, to take a journey through a history of the use of voice in contemporary art that is unusual to say the least, or even to savour the poetics of words and sounds. The voice becomes a raw material, a “texture”, a medium of experience, exchange and imagination.




6pm – Dector & Dupuy - Guided tour of the town of Metz - between the Frac and the ESAM
An unusual walk based on the urban material an the perspective of the two artists.

8pm - Dominique Petitgand – Listening session
D. Petitgand offers mental landscapes made of voices and fragmentary narratives. Plunged into darkness, we share an experience, a history, that of strangers who tell their stories and come to life in our ears. The listening session will be followed by a discussion with the artist.



7pm - Lecture by Benoît Maire, L'Objet impossible [The Impossible Object]
L'Objet Impossible takes as its point of departure a sculpture by Jan Vercruysse entitled “Les Paroles”, in order to conduct a fictionalised study. The mental space developed by the lecture sticks to the silent edges of the sculpture.

8:30pm - Lecture by Guillaume Désanges, with Mélanie Mermod, Vox artisti : la voix de ses maîtres [Vox artisti: the voice of his masters]
Based on numerous extracts from archives, lectures, artist interviews and performances, Guillaume Désanges uses the lecture format to offer a very subjective point of view on the relationship between voice and the visual arts.

10pm - Performance / Concert by Fanny Adler & Vincent Madame, Juste avant les forêts [Just Before the Forests]
This performance was developed from a text by Bernard-Marie Koltès, La nuit juste avant les forêts (The Night Just Before the Forests, 1977), a story composed of a single 56-page sentence, which leads the artists breathe their own life and rhythmics into the text.



2:30pm - Alchimicinéma by Jean-Marc Chapoulie, Le dernier qui parle [The Last Person Who Speaks]
Based on a theme, Jean-Marc Chapoulie tells us the story of cinema and its history, assembling a heterogeneous mixture of documents, films and images gleaned and collected over time. He is at one and the same time a projectionist, actor, and presenter of unconventional film screenings.



_ in the public space in the town of Metz: performance by Dora García, The Messenger
_ at some point / somewhere: performance by Loreto Martinez Troncoso.